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本課程主要內容為CARBONOVO TREE 環保減碳樹的培育與研究。

1 微藻與二氧化碳的簡介
2 光照、溫度、二氧化碳感應器連接編程
3 微藻培養編程操作
4 環境和生長的最佳編程
5 整合傳感器以進行監測和自動化
6 水泵系統設計與營養水管理編程
7 組合微藻盒
8 二氧化碳計算與儀表板設計


  • 1. Square module Housing
    Material: Transparent resin
    Dimensions: 20 x 20 x 5 cm
    Features: Provides visibility of Chlorella growth while ensuring a durable and waterproof environment.
  • 2. Microcontroller
    Type: Arduino/Wombatics board
    Function: Learning coding for data collection and control of the time of operation
  • 3. Sensors
    CO2 Sensor
    Type: Waterproof sensor (0-5000ppm)
    O2 Sensor
    Type: Waterproof sensor (0-100%)
    Temperature Sensor
    Type: Waterproof (0-50oC)
  • 4. Water Pump
    Type: Submersible water pump
    Feature: Waterproof design; automatically circulates water to maintain optimal moisture levels for Chlorella.
  • 5. LED Lighting
    Type: Energy-efficient & waterproof
    Feature: Auto-adjustable based on light requirements for photosynthesis; automatically turns on at night to ensure continuous CO2 reduction.
  • 6. Mini LED Screen Dashboard
    Type: Waterproof
    Serves as a real-time dashboard to display sensor data (CO2 levels, O2 levels, temperature).
  • 7. Power Supply
    Input Voltage: 220V AC
    Feature: Connects up to 6 modules together, providing power while maintaining individual module functionality.
  • 8. Connectivity Components
    Wi-Fi Module: Enables IoT connectivity for remote monitoring and data transmission.
    Linking Cables: Waterproof connectors for linking multiple modules together.
  • 9. Micro-Algae Culture
    Type: Freshwater Chlorella
  • 10. User Interface
    All realtime data are displayed on the mini LED screen dashboard with real-time updates.


Judy Kwok

·7+ years of managing & merchandizing & procurement for zero-waste shop in HK
·Master of education (HKU)
·Bachelor of Science in Biology – Ecology and biodiversity (HKU)

鄧詠琪⼩姐 (Kitty Tang)

畢業於澳大利亞新南威爾士大學電腦科學系,曾在美國麻省理工學院機器學習從數據到決策課程。現為諾達機械人公司擔任企業資訊總監,為市場提供一站式定制智能自動化和IT方案;並在中國開發遊戲程式,遊樂場管理,遊樂場系統開發等。 從事創客和編程教育將近6年,曾參與:中國廣州省一級學校任教3D列印創客課程、香港保良局長康少年發展中心STEM 教程合作夥伴、加拿大 Canada Learning Code(GLC) 工作坊義務教師、香港和中國《60 編》創新編程的工作坊創辦人,在香港生產力局任IOT & 大數據客席分享顧問。參與項目曾獲香港科技園創新發明比赛2019年獎項。



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