It offers an innovative way for students to learn IT and STEM concepts hands-on. By integrating the MICROBIT, programming the machine to monitor temperature and light conditions. They can experiment with different plant growth scenarios, collecting data on growth rates and environmental factors. Also they can learn coding to control the water pump to make IoTany project more sustainable and long lasting to be reused in future.
水培種植箱 (智能款)- 50X28X35CM
* 有植物燈, 全波段光譜
* 有氣泵讓水流動
* 有智能溫度控制
* 可種 生菜和芽菜2種自動模式
* 20孔
* 獨家唯一設計連接MICROBIT, 有溫度和光感應器, 可學習自動入水CODING
* 送營養液, 生菜和芽菜種子, 種植籃, 海綿
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